Address by the New Head of School for Inseberg-Coast

August 31, 2023

Address by the New Head of School for Inseberg-Coast


An address by Sandra Arbeiter, New Head of School, International German Swiss School - Inseberg Coast ,  Ibadan.

Below is an excerpt from her address: 

WIth this new structure, our school 
community has dedicated, talented members committed to doing what is in the best interest of our pupils and 
students. We will continue to put students first at IGSSIC and work diligently to ensure their success. 

This new term, I plan to work closely with other experienced school leaders in Nigeria, Germany and other
countries, i will also work closely with teachers, students and parents, including other divisional personnel to 
ensure a smooth academic and social transition this session.

I am committed to embracing the positive traditions and practices that are already in place at INSEBERG-COAST while working diligently to ensure success for the 
future. My motto is, "Students First, Every Day," and I believe all children should receive an exemplary education in 
an environment that is safe and conducive to learning. Together we can help our children excel and provide them 
with an education that is second to none.

I am honored and humbled to serve as the new HEAD OF SCHOOL for GERMAN SCHOOL - IBADAN and look 
forward to meeting our children, teachers, parents, and community members.

I invite all the parents and guardians to meet me and my colleagues on RESUMPTION by second week of September 2023.

Kind regards,
Sandra Arbeiter

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